Soberana tapena, alcaparra, mi caparrón. Alicantina salada, que trepas, a la mesa, al barro preñado de aceitunas y te entremezclas en tallos con tanta tu gracia. 'Salá' y más que 'salá'!
And my mouth was bitter from the coffee
as if numb and senseless
old and tired too
which mouth would stand spitting love with such bitterness?
And it felt like I had no nails
like life was a sort of pair of tights trying to slide down
and there was no way to pull them
grab them
put them in place.
And I wanted to do nothing
or maybe cry, in case it helped.
Or kiss and smell that white skin
which I could pull better. I thought.
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012
Es importante antes de llegar a la última almendra decidir cuál será de todas ellas probando una esquinilla - quién quiere una boca amarga?
My people think I am weird: I eat carrots as a snack, I brush my teeth as many times as I eat, I jump all around the room when I listen to "Rasputin" of Boney M and play it when I'm stressed, I do head-stands and hand-stands also when I'm stressed, I ask for hugs and massages (I also give many non-asked hugs), I love being tickled, I clean the office kitchen, I sing through songs loudly, I sleep little and still make it to smile the next day, I do an all-nighter and go swimming for a start of the new day, I enjoy being in my office where we drink wine, tea and eat carrots and bounce balls (also a good deal of Graze boxes), I became veggie (and then pescetarian) for lent and I'm not pregnant neither a believer, I get on well with Steinke and give him bread (indeed, I give bread to the whole office and beyond), I scare the lab technitian hiding behind the evaporator (since, he calls me "trouble"), I write my posts in English...
Muchas gracias por seguir palpitantes y expectantes. Expectantes y 'saltantes'. Saltasteis a mis ojos chapoteando en mis lágrimas, guardadas celosamente por mi alma guerrera. De ahí saltasteis, un salto pequeño pero agudo, al corazón, vibrando como aquello que carga un peso. Y ahora burbujea libre de presión. Y me hace... ¿cosquillas? Me alegra teneros conmigo, a pesar de vuestra tendencia solitaria.
I lost track of coherence a while ago. Now I can just hope that my randomness will not be too annoying. You can follow it in two blogs: You will find a mixture of frustrated poetry and well intended mini pieces of art at "Partición de la Unidad" which may bring at least a smile. Or a thought!
At "Big steps with smell of dust" you will follow me in Kenya. It has been a year of organising, cake baking, soap making, tube collects... and time has come to visit and experience the dusty beautiful country.